International Mountain Day 2022

Today, at Biodiversity Hub International we celebrate the remarkable contributions of women in moving mountains, both literally and figuratively. Under the theme “Women Move Mountains,” we recognise the significant roles that women play in mountainous regions, their invaluable knowledge, and their resilience in addressing the unique challenges these environments present.

In mountainous areas around the world, women are the backbone of their communities. They are the guardians of traditional knowledge, biodiversity, and cultural heritage. They are the caretakers of natural resources and play a crucial role in sustaining the delicate balance between human activities and the fragile ecosystems of the mountains.

On this International Mountain Day, let us acknowledge and appreciate the indomitable spirit of women who are shaping sustainable development, climate resilience, and gender equality in mountain regions. Their leadership, knowledge, and skills are essential for building inclusive and resilient mountain communities.

Women move mountains in multiple ways. They are environmental stewards, advocating for sustainable land management practices and conservation efforts. They are agents of change, empowering their communities through education, entrepreneurship, and social innovation. They are leaders, breaking barriers and ensuring the voices of women are heard in decision-making processes.

Let us support and amplify the voices of these inspiring women. By recognizing their contributions and addressing gender inequalities, we can unlock the full potential of mountain regions and achieve sustainable development for all.

Today, let us celebrate the women who move mountains and commit to supporting gender equality in mountainous areas. By empowering women, we can harness their knowledge, talents, and resilience to create a more equitable and sustainable future for mountain communities and the entire planet.

Happy International Mountain Day! ⛰️🚺🌍

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